The Buying War

Buying wars occur in a number of scenarios, and you can even trigger them in some cases. But what is it?

In the simplest terms, a buying war occurs when two (or more) people keep buying a pet back and forth. Sometimes this can happen in the span of just a few minutes, or other times over several days. The pets value goes up with every trade, so the war usually ends when somebody runs out of cash and can't buy the pet back.

During the war, note that the pet is getting a slice of every purchase. Wars are terrific things for the pet since some serious cash can be dropped into their account.

At the end of the war, there are two (obvious) outcomes: who is holding the pet? If you have the pet, then note that your investment has been driven up by the war. What may have started as a $1,000 pet is now a $7,000 pet. You haven't made any profit (yet), but will make a good bundle when your pet finally sells. On the other hand, the person who walks away without the pet has made great profit from the very last trade.

So this post is pretty short... I just wanted to get the term "buying war" out there, so I can write more about wars in future posts.


Anonymous said...

I'll call it ping-pong'ing a pet :)
I do that every day with over 100 pets ;) Have a look:

Bowly said...

One way to trigger a buying war is to find a "pumpkin" that just has to own his or her "hunny bunny". They'll almost always buy the pet back. The pet profits, and so do I.

Matty said...

Pumpkin, funny term that. I call the pet in this situation a "mark".

Ellie said...

the person i bought deleted his facebook account... i have 1mil hanging there... what do i do?!?

Anonymous said...

The developers working on a solution that will let you release those money :) Just hang in there!

Matty said...

Actually I don't think they've said they're going to release the money. They've just said they're going to do something to alleviate the problem. Anything else is speculation.

Greg said...

@sabretoof: "mark" is definitely the right term, and will the subject of a future post :-)