Now you can chat

FFS has a new tab in the main navigation labeled, "Chat"

Login and talk with your pets! This new service is powered by Meebo.


dunehunter said...

Covered in "buy my pet" spam, as could be expected. No way they can prevent the posting of urls?

Greg said...

@dunehunter: no doubt. I tried it out for about 2 minutes, then left. If they add some filters/controls onto it, then it could be fun.

I will note that I've FB-friended a number of pets and other FFS players. It is much easier to chat with them via Facebook chat or regular instant messaging clients.

(of course, many pets will be quite guarded about who they FB-friend)

Matty said...

I don't have a problem with people posting links. But the thing it really needs is flood controls so someone can't post the same thing over and over again.

And do something about the weak and near useless "warning" system. But then meebo rooms have had that problem forever and they haven't done much that I can see about it.

Still, I'm not concerned, I'd prefer they stick to improving their awesome IM system.

Andrew Mager said...

I think the chat link should go. It's definitely a spam pool, and it takes away from the experience of using FFS.

Alex and Siqi, stick to Chatterous :)

Karen S said...

I'd like to add a positive note about the chat. Despite it being a bad application (Meebo), it has been a good experience to meet people as well as an interesting opportunity to raise your value. It is a nice way to meet more people who also share similar interests and amounts of time on this application that I do.

Anonymous said...

what happened to the chat? people complain too much about the amount of "spam"? people just need to realize that blocking the people they don't want to see would help them out... maybe making another link for those wanting to see their pets called "world market" or something.. so people can have their chat room w/o having to deal with the links, while the rest whom want to sell their pets can.

Karen S said...

I really enjoyed the chat, and now it's inexplicably gone. ;__;