Increases are Permanent

As many of you have figured out by now... the increased allowance (from $2,000 to $10,000) and the increased money for each invite (from $1,000 to $5,000) are now permanent. I confirmed this a couple days ago with one of the FFS developers.

Back in March, I provided details on the numbers behind pet values, purchases, and sharing of profits. These numbers were also changed -- value increases are now 10%, where 4% of that goes to the prior owner, and 5% to the pet (the other 1% is not paid out). The sales tax is now 1% of the new value (original value + increase).

For example, let us say that Jane is now valued at $1,000. The value increase is 10%, or $100, so that her new value will be $1,100. The sales tax is 1% of that, which is $11. Jane's purchase price is the new value plus tax, or $1,111.

These changes will certainly cause some inflation of pet values. However, one of the benefits are many more transactions, which means more interactions between a pet and their owner. With a single allowance, you can trade pets back and forth about 30 times, all the way up to $10,000 (and the increases are slower!). With the prior $2,000 allowance, the number of "easy" trades was greatly reduced (only about 10 trades).


JF Ranger said...

Ok. So let's say I spend 1,500,000$ a day buying pets and I am lucky enough to sell them all back once a day at 4% profit. My profits will be 60,000$ a day and my fortune will grow at a ratio of 4% a day. Best case scenario, if I sell all my pets everyday and reinvest all my money, my fortune will grow by more or less 312% a month. That's a nice potential.

But now consider this: we add to the equation of this game that I get 60,000$ a day for inviting friends, plus 10,000$ for every 4 hours I log in. The best scenario is that I will make 120,000$ a day for doing nothing more than signing in and inviting people. Basically, starting with the same amount of money, this scenario allows me to make my fortune grow by 332% a month, more than playing the game.

Consider this other scenario. Let's say I start the game with 40,000$. Scenario A, I only buy and sell. Scenario B, I only log in and invite friends. For A to allow me to make more money than B, that will likely take near 3 full and intense months of play with the new economic model.

To have the buy and sell scenario pay more than doing nothing in only 25 days, the profits on a sale for the owner should be 20%. To have it in 10 days, we need 42% in profits, but this is how much money I would have after a year of really really intense play with 42%: 1,539,237,697,518,060,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000$.

Ok, this number is impossible to reach in the game and I didn't take into account some variables like the profits on yourself being traded or how many times you get paid for login in when you need to by and sell, but my point is to show you how out of balance this game now is.

The new economic model destroys the essence of the game. Why would I risk buying pets everyday if I can make more money and reduce the risks just by doing nothing?

The developers of the game should rethink the model or this game will be a thing of the past very quickly.

I think increasing the money supply so drastically was a huge mistake and should be corrected fast or it will kill this fun game.

What should have been added to the fun instead could have been, and could be letting the owner of a pet decide of the percentage of profits of his/her sales. Let us decide of the selling prices, with a maximum allowed (1 to 10%?). Let us run this thing as if it was our own little business and see what happens. That would be a start. And then why not add the possibility of making offers on pet's sales prices to an owner? That would add another nice dimension. Negotiation.

We don't need to be billionnaires, that also would kill the interest of buying and selling.

Rethink the model.

Rick Stein said...

What I want to know is who is getting the "sales tax" and what are they doing with it?

Vernon J said...

Who's getting the Sales Tax??

If you use the real world function, it's the same people who get your sales taxes on Clothes.

The LTA - Local Taxing Authority. Be it the state, or the city/county. AKA 'The Man'

Robe said...

hey greg
i was wondering if u did ask the FFS creators the questions that had been posted earlier to you and if at all they hinted on possible new changes they are willing to implement. it would be nice to give us a heads up

Unknown said...

@jfr: something is not right with your argument. Allowance profit is linear-dependent with time, and profit from buying pets has an exponential dependence (since your money at the beginning of the day is time dependent). In the ideal case when you buy pets and sell them all each day, you get 4% of your money, that means at the end of the day you have x+x*0.04 (=1.04*x) Compare this with x+120000 (10000 every 4 hours and 60000 from invites).
simplified, after "n" days you will have:
x*1.04^n (x*1.04*1.04*...)

while it seems at a glance that the second case is better, after many days the first one beats the hell out of the second one.

Now, some facts. If you start at x=10000, it will take you about 370 days (a year) for the pet selling to become more profitable. Obviously if you are just starting the game, allowance is much more worthwhile than selling and buying.

Let's consider another case scenario, when you start with 100000$ (half million). In this case buy/sell will be more profitable in less than 2 weeks.

If you have over 2-3 millions, buy/sell is much more profitable.

Of course, if you do both the buy/sell and collect allowance regularly, and invite friends every day, your money will grow much much faster than any of the two methods on their own.

Matty said...

The sales tax money goes to nowhere just like the bonus money comes from nowhere.

Iced Nyior said...

is it just me or did I not get my 10,000 when I logged in. The last time i logged in was 7 hours ago :(

Ming said...

Hi, I have just amnaged to read your blog. Its good that FFS have increased the log in to 10K, and invited to 5K per person...but all of this comes with a price for us...I am sure you are aware that there is a bug in the system for the past 4 days (todat being June11, 2008. Invites and logs in ( in some cases) don't get credited. they are probelms, if you read in the discussion topics or on FFS wall, you will see what I mean.

I knwo u do know the FFS developers, John Helper did post a message 3 days ago to say that there are addressing the problem, at least they should have given us an update rather than wondering if the problem has been fixed.

Unknown said...

I think that each invite should be worth as much as each log in -- because we are involving others and not just ourselves (maybe have a few less invites available) -- and that way we can invite different people all the time and not annoy the same ones over and over... this may result in more people paying attention to FFS!!!
Sooo... my suggestion:
10 000 per log in & 10 000 per invite (maximum of 10)...
I have discussed this with friends and they ALL agree...
thanks for your time ;)

EbTech said...

Why are you supporting invite bonuses? Ideally they should be removed from the game. That way, people would not feel forced to invite and would do so only at their own will. Of course, marketing goals make this solution impractical. But invite money should absolutely NOT be increased.