Even Easier to Find Pets

After yesterday's update to the FFS codebase, Andrew already mentioned the changes to the Pet Shop. There is another change, which I think is possibly even more important.

Today, when a pet is bought away from you, the Minifeed on your profile will show a small thumbnail of the pet. This is not a big deal for you since you obviously know what they look like, but for other people browsing your profile... it is huge.

screenshot added by mager

I spend a lot of time browsing profiles. If a guy buys one of my pets, then he might have similar pets that I would be interested in. So I go to his profile and look at the list of pets. But now the Minifeed will show pets that he used to own. Those could be just as interesting! Before this feature upgrade, I would have to visit all of those pets' profiles to check them out; otherwise, I could end up missing out on a beautiful pet. Today, it is right there in the Minifeed. Score!

These pets are from everywhere, not just the pets you might find in your regional network in the Pet Shop. Watch those Minifeeds, people!


Andrew Mager said...

Wow, I didn't even notice this.

Alex and Siqi just keep innovating :)

Matty said...

There have been many complaints about this on the forums but personally I think it's great.

I would dispute the point that I know what all my pets look like. If you're doing a lot of trading that is not necessarily the case and it is very helpful to match a name to a face.

Unknown said...

i have to congratulate you guys cause you are doing your best so that ffs can be accesible to everyone and friendly to use!!!

Congrats to u once more!!


Robe said...

its a kool idea i really like it to coz i am able to locate pets easily.
what sucks currently tho is when someone removes their picture or go private while tying up lots of your cash. thats really sucks coz then noone can buy them.