The Hamster Problem

A cautionary tale...

Once, a few weeks after I had discovered FFS, I had acquired a beautiful expensive pet. I was quite excited. My pets' values were going up... things were going great.

And then...

This is practically criminal, mind you.

She changed her profile picture to one of her pet hamster. A frickin' hamster, for crying out loud! There was no way I'd ever sell her as a hamster. Even if I put her on sale (mind you, this was before I truly discovered that fallacy), there was no way somebody would buy her. And I now had a hamster for my second- or third-best pet.

She eventually changed it back to her beautiful self, and was bought off me. I may buy her in the future, though I just checked... she's quite expensive at this point, so who knows when I ever could.

But lesson learned. Be wary out there. You have no control over your pets' profile picture. They can and do change over time.


Chivy said...

Hey! Theres a way to play this game just with my friends? I past from one stranger to another, and now I'm on sale in "Pet Shop". This "Slave traders" bought me so many times that any of my friends can buy me back and even when they try, my "kidnappers" bought back cuz they have lots of money :S. I really enjoy this application when I play with my friends.

Andrew Mager said...

Hahahah I dunno what's worse. A hamster or a picture with her and some guy.

@chivy - I don't think you can play with only your friends. Maybe they will build that functionality into their privacy settings someday.

Unknown said...

ghlyI'm one of the 'Slave Pirates' (although I prefer to call myself 'Value Builders' although not of the particular lady.
Yes, pinching strangers that look trade-able and especially if you realise they're really wanted by someone or have reserve people to bid them up then it's a sure fire way for a) the 'slave' (undervalued pet, I'd say) to build up her value thus making him/her more immune to 'pinch-ups' and for the 'Pirate'/Value creator to make a quick buck.
And a final tip: if you always bring your mates around to buy you back you just demonstrate how tradeable you are. The most excellent and fundamental of Pet qualities.
Take care, have fun and take it easy

Jaideep said...

How can i make someone buy my pet that is stuck with me for a long time...

JoeBadger said...

hey ! I asked nicely to my owner,who by the way is not my friend,nor do I even know her. so I asked again that she stops buying me the second time and now she has changed my nickname to "stupid by the sea" I don't approve of being bought outside my friends circle.hence the words "friends for sale" this lady is now being nasty on my wall and has forced me to reply,I have blocked her in the hopes that she will not purchase me again. please do something about this so it can only be friends that can by friends or change the name of the app.I enjoy playing friends for sale with my friends not complete strangers who think they can change and do anything they like to me. your system the way it is set up is only making people up-set.

Greg said...

Joe, you say "please do something" and "your system" ... I'll remind you that Mager and I are simply players of FFS. We are not the developers.

That said, I do believe that Siqi and Alex read this blog, so they will see your comment.

Anonymous said...

I bought a very beautiful and expensive pet last Friday for over $200K. This afternoon I logged in for my $2K allowance and noticed that her profile was now PRIVATE!!! Umm... What does that mean? Did she uninstall the application? Help!